Companies by HQ LocationTech Companies and Startups Headquartered in Katy

3 companies in this collection.

List of companies headquartered in Katy

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Energy Plum logo
If you are a participant in the Texas power market then the Energy Plum platform (Energy Plum) was designed for you. Unlike other back office platforms that have come before us, we assure you that nothing compares to this suite of tools, which have been de
KatyTX2 - 102021
Calaxy logo
Calaxy is the open social marketplace designed & built by Creators for Creators.
KatyTX10 - 502020$33,500,000
Comitt Well Solutions logo
Comitt Well Solutions is an innovative company delivering game-changing completion technologies in the downhole tool industry. The company operates in the downhole tool industry combining strong downhole tool expertise, vast experience in developing and co
KatyTX5 - 202011
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