Companies by HQ LocationTech Companies and Startups Headquartered in Woodbury

3 companies in this collection.

List of companies headquartered in Woodbury

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Bookkeeper360 logo
Bookkeeper360 is a fintech accounting solution for small businesses. Bookkeeper360's product offerings include SaaS business intelligence tools and tech-enabled accounting, advisory, back-office, payroll, and tax services provided by its 100% U.S. Based te
WoodburyNY50 - 1002012$4,600,000
Sterling Analytics logo
Sterling AnalyticsTool for instituional .Seamless, secure tools to capture and manage data on your pipeline,partnerships and portfolio.
WoodburyNY5 - 202010
Cardworks logo
CardWorks, Inc. issues and services third party consumer credit cards.
WoodburyNY500 - 2,0001987
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