Companies by HQ LocationTech Companies and Startups Headquartered in Wichita

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List of companies headquartered in Wichita

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QuickHire logo
Velocity Government Solutions, Inc. was founded in 2002. The company's line of business includes providing computer programming services.
WichitaKS5 - 202020$4,180,000
Weavix™ logo
Weavix uses the smart radio, mobile app, or PC console to securely and effortlessly converse, and exchange image and video messages, text, and more. Providing every employee access to the newest forms of digital communication empowers the frontline with us
WichitaKS50 - 1002019$33,600,000
Koch Disruptive Technologies logo
Koch Disruptive Technologies operates as an investment firm. The Company originates and invests in promising entrepreneurs and technologies across industries to improve Koch's existing businesses and create new opportunities.
WichitaKS20 - 502017
Horizon Oilfield Services logo
At Horizon Oilfield Services, we deliver comprehensive oilfield wastewater disposal and gathering solutions for E&P Companies and for trucking companies. We own, operate and develop fully automated, state-of-the art, wastewater disposals and gathering sys
WichitaKS10 - 502009$3,500,000
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