Companies by HQ LocationTech Companies and Startups Headquartered in Wheat Ridge

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List of companies headquartered in Wheat Ridge

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Guest House logo
At Guest House, we’re building the easy furnishing machine. We leverage native retail and proprietary technology to make interior design quicker, easier and more accessible than ever before. We partner with realtors at the start of the customer journey, st
Wheat RidgeCO50 - 5002016$6,500,000
Ablacon Inc logo
Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is the most frequent arrhythmic disorder of the heart. At Ablacon, we leverage our expertise in electrophysiology, computer vision and deep learning to build a real-time high-precision AI-based diagnosis system. We are an internat
Wheat RidgeCO20 - 502015$61,500,000
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