Companies by HQ LocationTech Companies and Startups Headquartered in Sausalito

6 companies in this collection.

List of companies headquartered in Sausalito

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APERIO Systems is a group of multidisciplinary researchers, engineers, thinkers and hackers. They are hands-on technologists who think fast and brainstorm original solutions whenever they are needed. Each member of their team has proven accomplishments i
SausalitoCA100 - 5002016
Game Taco logo
Game Taco is an online skill-based video game tournament destination for cash entry fees and cash prizes.
SausalitoCA50 - 1002016
Karbon logo
Karbon provides a truly collaborative platform for accounting firms to manage workflows, communicate with teams and deliver exceptional client work. Karbon is a team with extensive experience in the accounting and software development industries, committed
SausalitoCA100 - 5002014$91,800,000
Nscaled logo
nScaled, Inc. provides data protection and maintenance services. The Company offers primary application hosting, hybrid cloud infrastructure, disaster recovery, cloud storage, and backup. nScaled conducts its business worldwide.
SausalitoCA10 - 502012$8,500,000
Clean Fund logo
Clean Fund provides long-term financing for energy and water improvements to commercial properties.
SausalitoCA5 - 202009$75,000,000
Genetic Savings & Clone logo
Genetic Savings & Clone, Inc. was a company headquartered in Sausalito, California that offered commercial pet gene banking and cloning services, between 2004 and 2006.
SausalitoCA1 - 102003
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