Companies by HQ LocationTech Companies and Startups Headquartered in Ridgewood

3 companies in this collection.

List of companies headquartered in Ridgewood

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Dottxt logo
Dottxt is a software company currently based in Ridgewood, New Jersey, United States. It has been founded in 2023.
RidgewoodNJ1 - 102023$2,700,000
Manetu logo
Manetu CPM® automatically discovers, maps, and updates sensitive information into an intuitive, self-service control plane. Manetu is the first fully-automated solution to data privacy regulatory compliance that integrates seamlessly into an enterprise's e
RidgewoodNJ20 - 502019$6,686,461
Scale Microgrid Solutions logo
Scale Microgrid Solutions is a distributed clean energy and microgrid platform.
RidgewoodNJ100 - 5002016$300,000,000
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