Companies by HQ LocationTech Companies and Startups Headquartered in Novato

3 companies in this collection.

List of companies headquartered in Novato

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Cloud Chamber logo
Our studio exists to craft unique, entertaining and thoughtful videogame experiences that engage the world.
NovatoCA2 - 102019
Dickinson logo
Dickinson specializes in the design and fabrication of materials that are rationally architected at the nanoscale. The company manufactures protective shield products that are designed to improve material performance.
NovatoCA20 - 502010$10,563,851
Sound Vision logo
Sound Vision is a leading developer of highly integrated software and silicon solutions enabling digital imaging and sensing to be incorporated into a variety of end products. The company's products and services are designed to meet the needs of product de
NovatoCA20 - 501995
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