Companies by HQ LocationTech Companies and Startups Headquartered in Marblehead

3 companies in this collection.

List of companies headquartered in Marblehead

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Be Me Health logo
Be Me Health is operating in stealth mode.
MarbleheadMA50 - 2002021$8,500,000
Morphoceuticals logo
Morphoceuticals Inc. is a biotechnology company co-founded by Drs. Levin and Kaplan and funded by Juvenescence Ltd. Morphoceuticals is pioneering bioelectric approaches to access anatomical programming that is a core component of our biological operating s
MarbleheadMA5 - 102020$8,000,000
Greene Lyon Group logo
Greene Wave Technology - The Innovative Technology Platform for Global Metal Recovery - From Green Lyon Group of Amesbury, MAWe develop and license proprietary technologies focused primarily on recycling precious metals (''PM'') from scrap materials and in
MarbleheadMA3 - 102010$1,175,000
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