Companies by HQ LocationTech Companies and Startups Headquartered in Kent

3 companies in this collection.

List of companies headquartered in Kent

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Starfish Space logo
Starfish Space builds small space tugs to provide an on-demand in-space transportation service. The company's space tug can perform a variety of satellite servicing missions. These include life extension, relocation, disposal, inspection, and more.
KentWA20 - 502018$30,950,000
Entera logo
Entera is a venture backed real estate technology company operating a full service SaaS platform coupled with a team of local real estate experts and a network of services providers for single family investors to make intelligent decisions, scale their ope
KentWA10 - 502017$26,000,000
Tally logo
Tally was a leading American manufacturer of printers.
KentWA1 - 101949
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