Companies by HQ LocationTech Companies and Startups Headquartered in Farmington

3 companies in this collection.

List of companies headquartered in Farmington

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Nest Collaborative logo
Nest Collaborative is a provider of on-demand lactation counseling services for insurance companies.
FarmingtonCT50 - 1002017$10,273,376
LoanPro logo
The LoanPro platform was started through necessity-driven innovation. In our early days as lenders ourselves, we found some frustrations of inadequate software to service loans. As serial entrepreneurs with a love of lending, we decided to build the loan-s
FarmingtonUT100 - 2002016$100,000,000
Diameter Health logo
Diameter Health transforms patient information into the quantity and quality of interoperable data for healthcare organizations. The core of the Diameter Health platform is Fusion, which enables intelligent data exchange ingestion and cleansing through so
FarmingtonCT10 - 502013$29,674,630
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