Companies by HQ LocationTech Companies and Startups Headquartered in East Hartford

3 companies in this collection.

List of companies headquartered in East Hartford

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Kek Entertainment logo
Kek Entertainment makes multiplayer mobile games.
East HartfordCT10 - 502021$11,000,000
Wallex Bank & Statutory Trust logo
Wallex is a group of financial institution that provides assets and digital assets banking, custody, trustee, payments and trading solutions for individuals, businesses, Financial Institutions Exchanges, OTC desks, Broker-dealers, Real estate Platform
East HartfordCT50 - 1002020$8,736,501
Integrated Physicians Management Services logo
Integrated Physician Management Services provides an outsourced business services for independent, group, and hospital-based physician.
East HartfordCT20 - 1001996$7,176,400
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