Companies by HQ LocationTech Companies and Startups Headquartered in Daly City

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List of companies headquartered in Daly City

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The EVERY Company logo
The EVERY Company, headquartered in South San Francisco, is a market leader in engineering, manufacturing and formulating animal-free, animal proteins as ingredients for the global food and beverage industry. Originally founded as Clara Foods in 2014, EVER
Daly CityCA100 - 5002014$239,750,000
Genesys logo
Genesys, or Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc., is an American software company that sells customer experience (CX) and call center technology to mid-sized and large businesses. It sells both cloud-based and hybrid cloud software. The company wa
Daly CityCA3,218 - 10,0001990$1,480,000,000
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