Companies by HQ LocationTech Companies and Startups Headquartered in Boxborough

3 companies in this collection.

List of companies headquartered in Boxborough

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Slim.AI logo
Slim.AI helps application developers create, build, deploy, and run their cloud-native apps with zero friction, complexity, and waste. The company's solutions automatically optimize the composition and construction of containerized applications, improve bu
BoxboroughMA20 - 502020$58,600,000
Crossbeam logo
Crossbeam, Inc. develops network security solutions. The company provides network consolidation, network scalability, data continuity, cost management, and disaster recovery solutions. Crossbeam serves customers in the State of Pennsylvania.
BoxboroughMA200 - 5002018$72,499,000
Sterilis logo
Sterilis is an innovative medical waste company that is making your world a less dangerous place. On-site, on-demand point-of-care remediation.
BoxboroughMA10 - 502011$1,250,000
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