Companies by HQ LocationTech Companies and Startups Headquartered in Ashburn

4 companies in this collection.

List of companies headquartered in Ashburn

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Independence Hydrogen logo
Independence Hydrogen, Inc. (“IH”) is a privately-held company that is a pioneer in building the American hydrogen economy. Based in Ashburn, Virginia, IH opens the door to fuel cells with reliable, affordable, and clean hydrogen services. The IH team is 1
AshburnVA10 - 502017$30,000,000
Anodot logo
Anodot is an American data analytics company that uses machine learning and artificial intelligence for business monitoring and anomaly detection.
AshburnVA100 - 5002014$64,500,000
Brainware logo
Brainware was an American software company that marketed Automatic identification and data capture and data extraction products. The company was acquired by Hyland Software in 2017. Brainware originally spun out of Dulles-based SER Solutions Inc. in Februa
AshburnVA100 - 5002006
CPG logo
CPG is an IT company that focuses on data center, project management, and IT infrastructure solutions for its clients. CPG is North America's only complete data center service provider, providing design, construction, and analytics-driven operations soluti
AshburnVA200 - 5002000
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