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List of Redpoint Portfolio Companies

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Bravado logo
Bravado is elevating the profession of sales. We were tired of the “always-be-closing” clichés, one-note stereotypes, and stuffy conversations around the sales profession. So, we created a network as diverse, curious, and insightful as the best salespeopl
New YorkNY20 - 1002017 logo
About Conversation Intelligence for sales teams. Learn what works. Have better conversations. Close more deals.
500 - 1,0002015
Hex Technologies Inc. logo
Hex Technologies is an organization.
St. LouisMO1 - 1002010
Akana logo
Akana, Inc. designs and develops application software. The Company provides API management and security, SOA governance and cloud integration solutions. Akana serves customers worldwide.
Los AngelesCA10 - 202001
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