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SignalRank Corporation Funding & Investors

SignalRank Corporation is a FinTech company in the Venture space. It focuses on the seed stage asset class and uses data analytics to allocate capital to the best seed fund managers for their top performing companies. GPRank and CompanyRank are two proprietary algorithms it leverages to automate capital allocation. The company invests from balance sheet. Its customers are seed stage investors with outstanding companies in their portfolio.

Total Amount Raised: $11,295,000

SignalRank Corporation Funding Rounds

  • Series A


    Series A Investors

    Vinton Cerf
    Sanjay Jha
    Candou Ventures
    Tim Draper
  • Seed


    Seed Investors

    AltaIR Capital
    Dan Rose
    Garry Tan
    Lip-Bu Tan
    H. Barton Asset Management
    Candou Ventures
    Eric Archambeau
    George Coelho
    Blake Grossman
    Glen Kacher
Funding info provided by Diffbot.