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JobGet is the social platform for jobs. It is the fastest job platform for anyone looking for a job in the retail and hospitality industry, reducing the timeline from weeks to minutes. Consistently a Top 10 rated app in the iOs and Android play store helping thousands of job seekers engage with leading employers. Getting a job shouldn’t take hours filling online applications and waiting for weeks to hear back. We help accelerate the process with smart matching and a talk, text and video enabled platform. We are currently working with thousands of employers around the US on finding the right staff quickly, as well as helping thousands of jobseekers find their dream jobs within minutes. JobGet is a 2019 MassChallenge winner, as well as a 2019 MIT Inclusive Innovation Challenge Winner. We are looking to reshape the employment landscape for hourly employers and professionals to be instant, accessible, and efficient.

JobGet Headquarters Location

50 Milk St, Boston, MA 02109