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Beyond Oblivion Office Locations

Beyond Oblivion is a music and technology company founded in 2008 by its CEO, Adam Kidron. Its principle shareholders are Wellcome Trust, News Corporation, Allen & Company, Intertrust Technologies Corporation, and Adam Kidron. Beyond Oblivion's first go-to-market product is boinc. boinc is a magnetic and social music service that distributes a vast legal music library from a cloud (supplied by majors, independents, and artists the world over), and embeds the right to download and PLAY IT ALL within devices like PCs, tablets, autos and smartphones. boinc replaces paid-download, paid subscription, and advertiser-supported services with an inexpensive one-time, lifetime-of-device usage fee - paying copyright owners a micro-royalty per play, no matter if the original file were legally or illegally downloaded.

Beyond Oblivion Headquarters Location

16 E. 40th Street Suite 802, New York, NY 10016-0132