Companies by HQ LocationTech Companies and Startups Headquartered in Monroe

3 companies in this collection.

List of companies headquartered in Monroe

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Hydrinity logo
Hydrinity is a life science company that develops therapeutic skin care products to serve the retail health and personal care market. The company also develops advanced wound care products, surgical devices, and drug delivery systems for oncology and hemat
MonroeLA10 - 502022
Elidah logo
Elidah is a startup that offers medical devices like Elitone, that treats stress urinary incontinence (SUI) by non surgical means.
MonroeCT5 - 102021$1,800,000
IntelliBoard logo
IntelliBoard is a leading-edge learning analytics platform designed to empower educational institutions and corporate clients with actionable insights into their e-learning environments. IntelliBoard's platform offers deep, comprehensive data analysis tool
MonroeCT100 - 5002015$7,900,000
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