Companies by HQ LocationTech Companies and Startups Headquartered in Longwood

4 companies in this collection.

List of companies headquartered in Longwood

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NeuTrace logo
NeuTrace is a medical device company that uses AI and Machine Learning to develop innovative diagnostics and solutions for heart disease. The company was founded in 2020 and is headquartered in Longwood, Florida, United States.
LongwoodFL10 - 502020
HypGames logo
HypGames is a non-cash fantasy sports game platform with a deep multi-sport game play model.
LongwoodFL20 - 502016$4,200,000
Timeplast logo
Timeplast is a company that provides a water-soluble solution. It uses materials approved for human consumption by the Food and Drug Administration. It provides solutions for advanced polymerization, hybrid co-polymerization, and orderly depolymerization.
LongwoodFL10 - 502014
Red Lambda Inc logo
Red Lambda, Inc. was founded in 2005. The company's line of business includes providing computer related services and consulting.
LongwoodFL10 - 502005$15,208,650
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